Leading the social inclusion revolution.
Explore our 15-year journey to build the next generation of inclusive leaders.
About Generation Spirit
Generation Spirit is a national nonprofit on a mission to equip, empower, and inspire the next generation of inclusive leaders.
Founded by Iowa teens in 2009, Generation Spirit began as “The Sparkle Effect” — a grassroots, student-run organization dedicated to creating spirit teams that bring together students with and without disabilities.
Today, Generation Spirit remains a trusted partner for schools interested in cultivating a more inclusive culture. Whether inspiring large groups at an assembly or facilitating interactive experiences for smaller groups, Generation Spirit empowers students and staff with the mindset, confidence, and resources to transform school culture for the better.

Iowa students on an inclusive mission.
In 2008, Sarah Cronk noticed that students with disabilities at her high school weren’t being included in extracurricular sports and activities. A cheerleader at the time, Sarah saw an opportunity to make a difference within her small sphere of influence. With the help of her teammates, Sarah created the nation’s first inclusive cheerleading team: The Pleasant Valley High School Spartan Sparkles.
Within a few months of their debut, the Sparkles’ roster overflowed, the team had a waiting list, and families were relocating into the Pleasant Valley school district in the hopes of securing a spot for their child on the team.
It became clear that the need for inclusive programming was bigger than one team could solve. It was time to think bigger. In 2009, Sarah started Generation Spirit (then called “The Sparkle Effect”) with the goal of generating 100 inclusive spirit teams from coast to coast.
The revolution ignites.
Since 2009, Generation Spirit has launched and supported over 225 teams in 31 states that have directly involved more than 20,000 students with and without disabilities and impacted millions more.
Generation Spirit’s approach is simple yet groundbreaking within the disability inclusion space. GenS teams operate on the basic principle that all team members — regardless of ability — come together in equal measure and on equal footing. As a result, teams break down artificial social barriers and help the next generation of leaders develop an appreciation of disability as a natural part of life, rather than an exception to the norm.
A responsibility to share what we know.
In the years since we began this work, we’ve seen American schools take meaningful strides forward. But, to this day, few schools educate students about disability history, rights, or contemporary standards for inclusion. Even in schools that offer inclusive programming, students have difficulty answering questions as simple as, “What is a disability?” and “What is inclusion?”
The challenges facing the disability population can feel complicated and intimidating – especially to those learning about them for the first time. With our student-led history and 15+ years of experience partnering with schools, Generation Spirit is uniquely positioned to address the national deficit in disability education.
“When our team started, there were no students with visible disabilities engaged in athletic events. Now, our team is accepted as part of the athletic culture, which has changed the spirit at games.”